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Sale of single services

General terms and conditions for the sale of single services

Sicilying.com (‘Sicilying’ – ‘we’, our/ours) is an online showcase where you can buy competitively priced offers for holidays and your free time from trusted and qualified operators (hereafter ‘Partners’) in Sicily. Furthermore, on Sicilying you can buy package holidays and short-term stays in accommodation facilities. Package holiday sales are governed by specific norms.The sale of package holidays is regulated by specific norms which may be seen here.

These general terms and conditions (hereafter General Conditions) regulate the use of our website (hereafter Site) by users, defines our respective rights and obligations and regulates the relationship between the site user (hereafter Client) purchasing an offer and the associated Partners of SicilyingWe recommend close reading of the General Conditions since they apply to all our online, email and phone services. So, Sicilyingwill ask you at the start of every purchase procedure to declare having read and accepting the following General Conditions.

1. Description of the Service

The Site is an IT platform which allows our Partners to publish and sell their offers which Clients may purchase through the information available from Site. A Site Purchase means concluding direct Transaction (legally regulated) with our Partners, those making the offer. Sicyling only manages the Site and the sale procedures of our Partners. You can read the name of thePartners simply by registering at the website.When an offer is purchased, we transmit all the relative data to our Partners and send a confirmation email to the Clientcontaining the purchase code number. If the email is not printed, make a note of the code number which may be required by our Partners.

2. 18+ requirement

The Client declares being over 18 and having the legal capacity for purchasing the offers thereby unconditionally accepting theGeneral Conditions.

3. How to avail oneself of the Partners’ offers and sales conditions

On the web-page of our Partners’ offers, Sicilying reports the sales conditions specific to each Partner which refer for example to the offer’s location, times and units available, the services on offer, rescinding an offer and in general everything necessary for a well-informed purchase. Before concluding the purchase, the purchaser is specifically obliged to read and accept that Partner’s Specific Conditions.The offer’s goods/services/features you buy apply equally to any recipient you - or the nominee designated at the time of purchase on the Site (insert your nominee if e.g. you are not going to be present or if you want to gift the offer to someone) – indicate to the Partner.At any time, the Partner has the right to not only request your purchase code number but also your or your nominee’s name backed up by personal ID which also corroborates age when necessaryWhen a Partner stipulates specific requirements for an offer which are cited on its webpage, they can verify that those requirements are met before delivering the offer.When an offer involves a particularly hazardous activity, the recipient will be required to sign a disclaimer.

4. Purchase and payment

The Site provides the overall costs of the various offers as well as the down payment required to complete the online purchase. The amount (total price or down payment) paid through Paypalis credited to Sicilying who in turn pas it on to the Partner selling the offer. The invoice for the online payment is provided by the Partner on request. Any balance in price for the offer you purchased should be paid directly to the Partner at the point of service delivery. This balance must also be paid should no-one present themselves for said service, unless one has withdrawn from the offer as outlined in point 6.The Site has a special reserved area where details of your purchases may be scrutinised and from where any withdrawal from an offer can be sent to the Partner (see point 6).

5. Concluding the purchase

To buy Partner offers, the payment procedure on the Site must be completed and payment made through PayPal of either the full price or a down payment.As soon as PayPal confirms payment, the Site initiates a series of other procedures in real time which ensure that:

  • Your reserved area as well as that of the Partner is updated with the sale details;
  • You receive an email confirming purchase and detailing the appropriate Partner’s Specific Conditions and particulars of the contract, information about the basic characteristics of the offer, its price and/or the down payment made online, and any outstanding balance.
  • The Partner receives an email confirming the online sale of the offer.

The sale thus concluded represents an exclusive bond between you and the Partner.Since Sicilying is concerned only with managing the Site, it remains extraneous to the online sale of the offer.

6. Right to withdrawal or modification

The withdrawal conditions of each Partner can be seen in its Specific Conditions on the offer webpage. A purchaser is entitled to withdraw from the offer and should communicate such intention as soon as possible: in this way our Partner is spared any financial loss and you no longer have to pay the balance. Should there be a no-show or cancellation beyond the time limit, you are obliged to pay any outstanding balance.Your withdrawal may be registered via the Site or by contacting the Partner directly. Depending on each Partner’s Specific Conditions your withdrawal may be subject to penalties which could amount to covering the entire balance. Any penalties are the entire responsibility of the PartnerAny down payment for an offer paid during purchase online should be considered non-refundable.Any modifications in choice and/or requirements expressed on the Site at the time of purchase must be expressed to the pertinent Partner – he alone is able to adjudicate according to the conditions of sale.

7. Proof of order and archiving
All data relating to the purchases made on the Site are archived by Sicilying and are valid by law.

8. Prices

The prices on the Site cover the entire offer therein described and include VAT.A crossed-out price represents an ongoing promotional offer.As a result of contractual agreements with the Partners,Sicilying tries hard to offer the lowest price on the market.

9. Responsibility

Sicilying has no contractual part in the online sales of Partners’ offers and so cannot answer for contractual or ex-contractual damages by third parties in carrying out the Partners’ services nor respond to the exact fulfilment of the services on offer which must be exclusively referred to the Partners.
Sicilying and its Partners are committed to honouring diligently and professionally their respective competences for which they should be held responsible. Consequently,Sicilying’sresponsibility is limited to correctly managing the sales procedures as outlined by the Partners concerning prices, tariffs and availability, these latter being the sole responsibility of the Partners.
Sicilying has no control nor responsibility as regards quality, security or legality of the offers supplied by the Partners nor can it be held responsible for whatever error (including evident ones or typos), for misleading or false information.
It is the obligation of the Partners to avail Clients of appropriate information and inform them of any additional changes which may apply to their offers.
Sicilying is not responsible for any malfunctions and/or technical interventions due to third parties which invalidate partially or totally any functionality of the Site, nor can it guarantee continuous access to the Site and its services which could be affected by factors beyond its control.
Furthermore, Sicilying reserves the right to go offline temporarily for technical reasons (but not only) like maintenance or updating. The Site user agrees that Sicilying cannot be held in any way responsible to the user or third parties for suspending or interrupting its services and/or Site.
Sicilying is in no way responsible for dealing with the user’s personal details required by the Partners who act totally autonomously and independently of us.
Any responsibility of Sicilying and its Partners is denied in all cases where the lack of or inexact fulfilment of the service is ascribable to the recipient of the offer. Here are a few examples:

  • a ‘no-show’ or delay beyond the deadline expressed by the Partner and published on the Site;
  • any breach in the Partners’ conditions of sale;
  • refusal of the recipient to sign the disclaimer in the case of particularly risky activities;
  • refusal or inability of the recipient to prove his identity with a valid identity document.

10. Copyright and intellectual property rights

The Site may only be used for consultation and the purchase of offers. Site visitors can in no way reproduce, modify, duplicate, copy, distribute, sell or in any way make commercial use of this Site and/or its offers without explicit authorisation in writing from Sicilying.
Any travel agents or tour operators requiring such authorisation should simply contact Sicilying at sicilying[at]sicilying.com with ‘authorisation’ as subject. Similarly, any organisations and/or operators interested in becoming partners (including travel agencies and tour operators) should email Sicilying with ‘Partnership’ as subject.
Downloading and printing Site information should only be for personal or business non-profit use. Any unauthorised use of Siteinformation constitutes a violation of Sicilying’s intellectual property rights and of third parties who provided licenses.
Sicilying is the exclusive owner of the logo Sicilying® and the domains Sicilying.com and Sicilying.it.
The user undertakes to retain all the logos and copyrights contained in the downloaded or copied materials. The use of these materials in whatever other website is prohibited without the explicit written authorisation of Sicilying. The fraudulent use of any services offered or any attempt to cause damage to Sicilying and/or its Partners is likewise prohibited.
Users expressly recognise that all the information, texts, data, know-how, source codes, algorithms, models, data bases and similar, distinctive representations of the Site or part thereof (logos, icons etc.) relating to the offers or Site are the exclusive property of Sicilying and/or its Partners and/or third parties who provided them. Sicilying grants Site users a non-transferable and non-exclusive personal license to use its services on a single computer and conforming to these General Conditions and exclusively for the period of validity of the contractual relationship governed by it, in any case remaining implicit that users cannot copy, modify, sell, cede, sub-license, award or transfer to third parties or create work deriving from any of Sicilying’s rights, nor allow third parties to do these directly or by way of their computers, even unknowingly.
Site users are in no way whatsoever authorised to link Sicilying to other internet sites without the express written authorisation of Sicilying.

11. Ancillary sites and declining responsibility

Sicilying declines any responsibility for the trustworthiness and content of any ancillary sites/resources linked to the Site, and is in no way responsible for the material/content including advertising on such sites, external resources or products and services offered. Such products and services should in no way consider themselves sponsored, shared or supported by Sicilyingso the user assumes all responsibility for any purchases as a result of said products and services. The user hereby recognises thatSicilying can in no way be held responsible for how such ancillary sites/external resources function.

12. Modifications to the General Conditions

Sicilying reserves the right to modify the General Conditions at any time, although the user’s purchase is governed by theGeneral Conditions which were applicable at that time.

13. Privacy and personal details

Sicilying deals with users’ personal details with the utmost scrupulousness of the law and with the greatest ethical rigour.
To purchase any offer, the Site user must be registered by filling in the online form: name, email and your chosen password (for which you are personally responsible). The user is exclusively responsible for any use of services on offer by the Site which have been accessed by the user’s email and pre-chosen password, and the user undertakes to indemnify Sicilying from whatever damages or claims deriving from its use or abuse. The user declares, as established by the law (196/2003), that all the information supplied by the user on registration is the complete and precise truth. Furthermore, the user expressly authorisesSicilying to add such details as the user compiled online to a database, given that they are necessary for efficiently concluding the purchase and for having access to the service/offer.
Unless required by law and excepting transmission of your personal details (name, email, nominee and phone number) to the appropriate Partner, these are not passed on to third parties without users’ express consent. It is the user’s right at any moment to request a fully updated list of any/all persons who may be in possession of such details.
On registration, the user’s computer will receive a cookie which obviates the need to insert the user’s email every time he connects to the Site. Cookies are stored on the computer’s hard disk.Sicilying would like to reassure the user that none of the cookie data will be otherwise used. Sicilying may use users’ non-reserved data on cookies (e.g. browser type, ISP).
Credit card details which are required for purchasing Partners’ offers are in no way stored by Sicilying but are exclusively managed by PayPal, the payment system used by Sicilying.
The proprietor of personal details is Sicilying snc based at Via Torino 61, 95128, Catania, Italy. In making use of manual, telephonic and ITC systems for dealing with personal details, the proprietor takes all the appropriate measures to guarantee security and confidentiality as indicated by the law (196/2003).
Sicilying uses users’ details for:

  • carrying out its obligations (emailing confirmation of purchase, emailing Partners users’ details to complete the purchase and so that users can be cited for fiscal reasons) which derive from the user/Partner contract of purchase and which are required for said contract to be concluded;
  • Replying to any queries about our services;
  • Circulating our newsletter (consent required);
  • Carrying out quality control (e.g. surveys) of Partners’ services (consent required).

Furthermore, Sicilying reserves the right to monitor its own Site’s traffic. To do this, Sicilying may collect, use and process data and information of various types (e.g. IP address, UDI code for mobile phone visitors, geographic location and other web-analytics data) which in any case will be totally anonymous, non-reserved and non-personal.
Sicilying invites registered user comments on Partner offers. These comments are visible to all Site users so the commentator’s name will be public. Sicilying reserves the right to not publish or remove comments should their language be offensive or contrary to the Site’s decorum. Sicilying may contact a user to express an opinion about the offer they used/experienced.
Every registered user has the right to access his own data as well as all the rights outlined in Article 7 of the law (196/2003) reported below.For any other information regarding privacy send your enquiries to sicilying[at]sicilying.com with ‘privacy’ as the subject.

14. Users’ rights: right of access to personal details and other rights

Article 7 of the law (196/2003).

1. The party concerned has the right to know if their personal details are being or are going to be held and this must be communicated in plain language.

2. The party concerned has the right to know: 
a. the origin of their personal details; 
b. the purpose and means of processing; 
c. the reasoning behind any ICT data processing; 
d. the identity of whoever holds this data as per Article 5, subsection 2; 
e. who or what category of persons might receive this data including any officers of government. 

3. The party concerned has the right to: 
a. personal detail updates or supplements; 
b. annulment, anonymization or stoppage of data being used illegally, including any data being used for purposes other than those for which they were collected;
c. written confirmation that a) and/or b) have been carried out even regarding their content, who may have received the data, except when to do so would require disproportionate means compared to the defence of the right. 

4. The party concerned has the right to object, in part or wholly: a. For legitimate reasons to the use of their data even though still pertinent to the aim of their procurement; b. To the use of their data for advertising or direct selling or cold calling or market research. 

15. Information 

Sicilying provides an information service for its customers via sicilying[at]sicilying.com. There is also a phone line +39 095 2933569. Costs depend on service providers. 

16. Applicable laws and the resolution of controversy

These General Conditions and the user’s relationship with Sicilying are regulated by Italian law.
Sicilying and its Partners consider it a priority of their management that their users and visitors are wholly satisfied and declare their common willingness to quickly resolve any shortcomings which prove to be their responsibility.
Furthermore, should any shortcoming be verified, the user is required to go to arbitration on-line with his complaint as per the procedures in Article 5, subsection 5 of the law (28/2010).
The original text in Italian of the General Conditions has been translated into other languages. The unofficial translation is aimed at helping foreign Site visitors and has no legal value. Should any complaint arise regarding discrepancies between the translated and Italian text, the Italian text prevails over the translated one being the only legal reference. The Italian text may be consulted on the Site.

17. Sicilying details

Sicilying is a registered company in Catania with its main office in Piazza Cavour, 32, 95125, Catania (CT) and VAT no. 05017200873..

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